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Saturday, July 27, 2024

Presentation of Independence Manifesto Decisive Turning Point in National Struggle (El Ktiri)

The presentation of the Independence Manifesto marked a decisive turning point in the process of the national struggle waged by the Moroccan people for freedom, independence, the territorial integrity of the Kingdom and the defence of national constants, Mustapha El Ktiri, the High Commissioner for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of the Liberation Army, said on Thursday in Rabat.

At a meeting organised by the High Commission for Former Resistance Fighters and Former Members of the Liberation Army to mark the 80th anniversary of the presentation of the Independence Manifesto, Mr El Ktiri highlighted the significance and deep meaning symbolised by this anniversary, which is rich in the noble values of sincere patriotism, underlining the spirit of sacrifice, heroism and bravery that prevailed during the different phases of the Moroccan people's struggle against the lusts of foreign colonial forces.
The celebration of this victory, he added, is an opportunity for the rising generations to recall the epics of this radiant episode in the liberation struggle, and to draw the major lessons from these landmark events, in order to strengthen the spirit of patriotism and the values of positive citizenship, to meet current and future challenges, under the enlightened leadership of HM King Mohammed VI.

El Ktiri reviewed certain important stages in the history of the Moroccan resistance, recalling the historical context of the presentation of the Independence Manifesto, which constituted a veritable revolution that reflected the patriotism of Moroccans, their attachment to the nation's constants and their mobilisation to pursue the national struggle to defend the supreme interests of the homeland. In this respect, he recalled that this event aroused the fervent support of the entire Moroccan people.

In addition, he reiterated the continued mobilisation of the family of the Resistance and the Liberation Army, like other components of Moroccan society, behind His Majesty King Mohammed VI in order to continue the process of modernisation and development of the southern provinces, preserve the Kingdom's territorial integrity and consolidate national achievements.

In an address on behalf of the Resistance family and the Liberation Army, former Resistance fighter Ahmed Tanan noted that the presentation of the Independence Manifesto was a decisive turning point and one of the brightest pages in the history of national resistance to foreign occupation.

Mr Tanan also highlighted the historical context in which the Manifesto was presented, emphasising the significance of celebrating this anniversary, which reflects the determination of Moroccans to wage a successful liberation struggle against foreign presence and colonial domination.

The meeting was attended by representatives of political parties, trade unions, civil society, men and women from the National Movement, the Resistance, the Liberation Army and the beneficiaries of former Resistance fighters.

Tribute was also paid to seven members of the Resistance and Liberation Army family in the Rabat-Salé-Kénitra region.

News and events on Western Sahara issue/ CORCAS

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