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Saturday, May 18, 2024

Polisario Fails to Deceive European Parliament

Polisario, entity with no legal identity nor legal personality not  recognized by any memeber state has lost the case the court requesting it to pay costs

Ironically. What was announced by posters and leaflets distributed as as a pro-Polisario "great interparliamentary conference" turned into a nightmare for the enemies of territorial integrity and handful of MEPs supporting it.

In a room where Polisario gathered on Thursday, trainees, students and some old  supporters as extras to show that there was a crowd, the ceremonies of a meeting organized on Thursday at the European Parliament in Brussels, were surprised to see the representative of the European Service for External Action (EEAS) to opposite their fallacious theses, by applying law, realism and common sense to the point they regretted having invited him.

Under the bewildered look of some Algerians, the representative of the body that governs, under the leadership of Mrs. Federica Mogherini, the EU's diplomatic relations with non-member countries and leads the foreign and security policy of the Union went straightforward.

Responding to allegations about the agricultural and fisheries agreement between Morocco and the EU, Vincent Piket, head of the Maghreb division of EEAS, said the EU Court of Justice at no time gave reason to Polisario.

"Contrary to what Polisario considers a moral victory it lost and the court asked for costs of the proceedings. " The agreements remain valid from the point of view of European law and international law, he explained.

Mr Piket said that the EU has relations with Morocco and can under no circumstances sign agreements with "an entity that has no legal identity, has no legal personality and that no Member State recognizes it.

"Polisario is not the only representative of the Sahrawi populations. It is not recognized by Member States. This is a reality and a political fact that we can not deny, "said the European leader.

He pointed out that in the framework of the process of adapting the agricultural agreement and renewing the fisheries agreement, the European Commission, "which has obtained a unanimous mandate from the Council of the EU", decision-making body Member States, consulted with a wide range of representatives of local populations, including elected representatives, civil society and various stakeholders.

The EU official also stressed the exclusivity of the United Nations in dealing with the Sahara issue and reiterated the EU's position not to interfere in this issue.

"This is an issue that comes under the exclusive jurisdiction of the UN and the EU will not speak out on this issue," said Piket.

It is useless to describe the atmosphere that prevailed in the room after this intervention by the representative of the Department of Diplomacy of the European Union.

MP Ivo Vajgl, master of ceremonies of separatist activities at the European Parliament, who was chairing the session, launched a furious rant against the European Commission, who in his view serves "the mercantile interests" of some Member States, while stakeholders, wishing to justify their per diem, have engaged on the eroded topics of "exploitation of natural resources", "human rights in the Sahara" or "referendum of self-determination" which is no longer part of the United Nations plan.

On the other hand, they did not say anything about Algeria, which finances, arms and shelters on its territory in Tindouf Polisario separatists and blocks all efforts of the international community for a solution to the conflict based on an advanced autonomy under a Moroccan sovereign and regional economic and security integration.

-News and events on Western Sahara issue/ Corcas-

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